Thursday, July 26, 2012


Welcome to Shardspot!

This blog is a testing ground for nascent ideas and expressions. It's akin to a personal journal but written, I hope, with enough clarity, creativity, and sincerity to attract the occasional passerby and develop a small cadre of tolerant readers along the way.

I intend to keep Shardspot's content broad and free. Literature, photography, writing, gardening, foraging, the nature of consciousness, yoga, meditation, dreams, astronomy, philosophy, India, Indian languages, Indian cooking, ghost towns, and the history of the Pacific Northwest are a few but not all of the topics I will discuss.

I'd be delighted if what I say attracts interest, and I'd be even more delighted if ever some shard I post informs my readers' lives in a small but beneficial way. Still, I ultimately see this blog as my own lodestar, a loose assemblage of words bright enough, I hope, to guide me toward greater creativity and understanding. With luck, maybe I'll find a readership to keep me honest along the way.

Again, welcome. I hope you find something of interest in what I say.

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